You can't just keep pushing and pushing and pushing yourself to no end. Take a break already. Here's why... Read More
What if we couldn't fail? Would we learn anything? Would we ever develop inner strength? Here's why failure is our friend. #DoSomething Read More
As we travel through adulthood, finding our path can be the most mind-wracking, soul-searching thing that we do, but the best thing that we do. Here's why... Read More
Hey, you!!! Stop hiding to be comfortable! You are literally God's gift to the world; His light shines on you. It's time to step out of the shadows. Here's why. Read More
You can take the lack and pain from your past to help build the next generation. Here's how... #HelpSomebody Read More
When negativity from others invades our personal space, it is important to remember this: Don't take it personal. Here's why. Read More
Happiness is a choice. Why not choose to live a life of joy? Here's why it's time to let go of the anger. What are you waiting for? Read More
"Be so good they can't ignore you," my mentor told me about business. But what does this mean to our everyday lives? Here are a few thoughts about this simple piece of advice. Read More
Negativity casts a cloud over our lives and keeps good things out of reach. It's time to fix our attitude. Read More
We are all blessed with gifts that can help improve the lives of others. How are you able to spread love? #DoSomething Read More