#WCW=We Can Wednesday: Let GOD Use You
/"Let Him use you!! Let God have His way!!"
We say this all the time, usually in the heat of praise or tongue in cheek when referring to a spirit filled dance.
But seriously, what exactly are we saying when we exclaim "Let Him use you!"?
This week I posted a piece about my friend Tawanda Robbins, who is the founder of the Love in Action Project in Charlotte, NC. Ever since we met I have understood that her ministry is that of love, encouragement, and service to others. She has always reminded me that we are "on assignment', that we were put here by God to walk in His purpose. So to watch my friend walk in her truth and carry out her God-given assignment of spreading love to the neglected and forgotten is truly inspiring. It also makes me think.
"Am I letting God use me?"
Am I really using the gifts that God has given me to enhance His kingdom? Does my daily walk help others? Do I practice what I preach? These are questions that I ask myself, but that we can all consider. God has given us gifts of all types. Some of us can sing, some can speak, others can organize, some are physically strong. The abilities that we have been blessed with are endless. What is important, however, is how we use these abilities while on this journey.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
My friends, we can all use our gifts to advance the kingdom of God. We don't have to look to those in the pulpit, or on a stage to be leaders in charity and giving. YOU have the power to bless others and to set an example of generosity and love. You can change the world. It pains me to see people whose gifts have amassed them a great deal of influence, yet they squander it on vanity and self-centered pursuits. But I'm not perfect, there is much more that I can do in my life that can benefit others. I just want to let God use me. Let's be good stewards of our gifts. As we build and expand our own lives, let's remember to extend ourselves outward for the building of the Kingdom.
How are you letting God use you?