Thinking about Thanksgiving? What's on the menu? #RecipeShare!!!
/It's time to think about Thanksgiving!!!
Do you have your menu set? Help us out, share your favorite recipes with tev!!
tev's Salted Caramel Apple Pie -Thanksgiving 2014*
Thinking of a master plan for Thanksgiving 2015... this year we'll be having a quiet meal at home, no traveling, no guests (that I know of, but things can change!). As small and simple as our two-person feast may be, I still want it to be special and delicious!
Our turkey order has been made (SN: we have to order turkeys now, the struggle is real). Which has me thinking about this year's Turkey Day eats and treats. I think I have the basics: Turkey, Greens, Candied Yams, Stuffing. I also have some maybes: Rice & Peas (its a Jamaican thing), fresh cranberry sauce, potato salad, etc.
There will be pie. Definitely pie.... I'm breathing heavy already.
Have you started making your Thanksgiving menu? What is going to be on your table? Share your favorites with us! Next week we will compile your recipes in a post that we can share with our Kitchen Diva friends!
Let's talk!!
*Pictured above - Salted Caramel Apple Pie, made by Tevra for Thanksgiving 2014. Recipe is from The Four and Twenty Blackbirds Pie Book, by Emily Elsen and Melissa Elsen.