#WCW=We CAN Wednesday: We Can Help Flint Michigan
/As we all know, the residents of Flint, Michigan are in the midst of an ongoing water crisis. The water supply for that area is heavily contaminated with lead, whereas consumption of lead tainted water results in significant health problems, especially in children. Lead poisoning can cause neurological issues, damage kidneys, affect IQ, and other detrimental outcomes (Goldbaum, 2016). To be exposed to these poisons is beyond unfair to the children of Flint. Its just not right.
“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and truth.”
Our fellow Americans, most living below the poverty line, who have been failed by their state and local governments, are now in desperate need of fresh water. It seems unimaginable that an entire community is now reliant on bottled water for survival. Water is one of the most basic elements required for life, yet our brothers and sisters just miles away are being denied of it. We all watch from the comfort of our homes as this story develops, our empathy lasting for a few minutes until the next sensational story pops up on our screens. Hashtags and feel-good tweets aren't enough. We can do more.
Let's not overlook this. We can help Flint, Michigan.
There are several ways to help (click below for more information):
United Way of Genesee County Flint Water Fund Donation Page
American Red Cross - Michigan Region Donation Page
Catholic Charities of Shiawasse and Genesee County - Flint Water Recovery Water Donation Addresses
Help can be given through a monetary donation, by sending cases of water, or if in the area, volunteering to help with water distribution. Let's do something the help our brothers and sisters in Flint, MI. They need our love and support right now.